It’s fascinating how our minds work. Place a keyword in front of your eyes, and your mind will immediately prepare your thinking for whatever it assumes will follow. Hence the title of this post. We have all heard the schoolyard trick of asking a person a series of easy questions, followed by one with the…
Pidgin Economics
A look at world economics, from the point of view of an investor. The aim of this area is to interpret the continuous barrage of data, sales pitches and propoganda and bring it into a form that is actually useful to investors.
Why is the global economy so messed up?
Carbon Tax – Market Strategy Update
Market Strategy Update – Carbon Tax Details of the long awaited Labor/Greens carbon tax have arrived. As Australia embarks on this course, not necessarily shared at the present time by major trading partners and competing economies in south-east Asia, the cause and effect implications are extremely complex for business, employment and households alike.…
Weekend Reading on the impact of austerity measures
Everyone has most likely heard enough about the European Union and their problems with the debt loads of Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece. There has certainly been enough in the news over the past year. i have posted a comment or two on the issue to try to provide a little more balance on the…
Love this idea!!!!
Isn’t it great when someone actually gets around to doing something that you’ve been nagging friends and family about? You know, when Great Idea No 726 actually comes to life? Well, here is my example… The New York Times has being doing its patriotic duty, and following the trials and tribulations of US politicians trying…
Greece and this debt issue
Sometimes it seems like the whole world is holding its breath. That is about where we are at right now in financial circles. The major currency and debt markets are hushed in tension as they await the outcome of the standoff between the IMF, ECU Central Bank, Germany, the Greek government and the population of…
Wine the big winner post 2011 Budget night
Governments, Energy, Prices and Inflation on a Friday
When is inflation not inflation? A rather rhetorical question for a Friday, to be sure. However, this particular pondering has been brought on by one of WSP’s business partners – John – who has been looking at the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA’s) recent attempts to keep inflation under control. John’s comments are that big…
If it waddles like a duck, flies like a duck, it’s probably a duck!
For those devoid of quality literature or just lacking a real life, take a look at page 6 of the Australian Financial Review (the good ol’ AFR) for today. Tucked away in the corner you will see a tiny little article looking something like this… For the past year or so i have spoken with many people…