Pidgin Economics

A look at world economics, from the point of view of an investor. The aim of this area is to interpret the continuous barrage of data, sales pitches and propoganda and bring it into a form that is actually useful to investors.

Underemployment – is it the future?

Underemployment Michaels Musings Photo by Crown Agency on Unsplash

Underemployment is a big feature of the current global employment picture. Although more people are finding work, it would appear that a lot have given up any chance of finding work. So I thought it would be a good idea to tackle some of the issues that are raised by having a large slice of…


Australia – austerity or growth?

financial planning perth growth or austerity

How do we tackle economic problems and foster economic growth? Australia – austerity or growth? It’s a global question! There are usually a range of options to tackle any economic problem or condition, ranging from increasing government spending to reducing taxes to printing money or even starting a war to divert the attention of a…


Federal Budget Shenanigans

Federal Budget Shenanigans

Like a circus sideshow, the May budget has found its way back into our backyards. Yes folks, it’s time for more Federal Budget Shenanigans in Australia! As a financial planner, i find the announcements and discussion surrounding Federal Budgets highly amusing, as nearly every possible form of financial fudging is on display. Rather than discuss…


Governor Glenn Stevens provides some balance

House economics committee grills the RBA

Regular readers would be aware of my penchant for rubbishing the political (leaders?) folk who vie for our votes, and who decide on how legislation and laws that govern our lives are drafted. It’s maybe a tad disrespectful of me, and more than a little unfair to those individuals who strive to do their best, and…


Another Budget, another yawn…

Another Australian Federal Budget, another yawn

The good news is that the budget is going into surplus. Small yay! for prudent financial management and responsible government. Big “what the?” for the usual smokes and mirrors that seem to appear any time a Treasurer releases a budget update. So far this morning, i’ve received many, many, many pages of insight, research, analysis…
