In my role as a financial planner i am often asked questions about the retiring age in Australia. There is no simple answer – the age differs according to where your focus is – superannuation, tax or government age pension income support. Here’s a quick look at different versions of the retiring age in Australia.
Tag Archive for retirement planning
Retirement income and inflation
How much money do i need to retire? This is one of the more common financial planning questions. However, the answer requires some digging into ideas and concepts that many people haven’t really sat down to think about before. A good starting point ti to look at the amount of income you need to live…
Financial Planning your super for a specific retirement date
Financial Planning – it’s a mug’s game
Which is the best super fund?
Financial Planning in Strange Times
Australian’s are currently faced with a range of difficult global factors that bring uncertainty and fear into visions of the future. How do you plan in times such as these? Firstly, by ignoring the vast bulk of the material presented as news and getting back to working out what makes you happy, what will make you happy in the future, and how much you are prepared to do to make these things happen.
A retirement Sea Change?
Higher super contributions aren’t as helpful as they seem
It’s interesting to read notes and articles and research that shows Australia’s pensioners “sitting on a time bomb” or that there is a shortfall in retirement savings of hundreds of billions of dollars. For what it is worth, the bulk of these appear to be a beat-up. For the morosely disinterested or even the remotely…
Personal Financial Advice and “Infobesity”
Just what constitutes “personal financial advice”? We here in Wealth & Security Planners have noticed a marked increase in the number of people who are looking at various forms of money market news as “advice”. It is a development that has both good and bad aspects to it. This post is a quick look at…
Long Term Investment and Averaging
Financial planners are fond of using the phrase “long term” when talking about investing. It is a concept based upon an awful lot of research and analysis of markets, investor behaviour and trends. However, the phrase quite rightly gets questioned every time there is a significant fall in markets. A lot of people worry about…