Here’s a Michael’s Musings look at financial planner bias from the perspective of the a financial planner. Why financial planner bias? Because financial planner bias is a key issue driving commentary, legislation and daily financial planner activity today. Community perceptions and assumptions of financial planners have changed over the years, with the decades-long battles between bank…
Financial Planning Perth
General discussion on the activities of a financial planner and their clients, as well as comment on broad industry trends and practices.
Super funds fail the performance test
Results released in August this year showed that 13 super funds failed to meet the new super performance test. The funds have been forced to write to their members, informing them of this failure and suggesting they consider other funds. There are over 1 million super members involved and around 7% have since swapped out…
DIY Financial Planning
Grandfathered commissions explained

Grandfathered commissions is a term that is receiving a lot of airplay at the moment through the Royal Commission. The term is used so often and to cover so many different concepts that I thought it might be helpful to spend some time discussing just what “grandfathered commissions” actually refers to. It’s also helpful to…
A quiet look at retirement and choices for retirement income – from my Facebook page.
Posted by Michael's Musings on Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Fear and Greed in financial planning

Fear and greed are words that are rarely used in financial planning. I’ve often wondered why – are we planners being too soft on raw features of behaviour? Do we allow professional politeness and discretion to stomp all over basic, honest advice? Fear and greed are two fairly common observations a financial planner encounters in…
Loyalty point schemes – be careful..
Superannuation – Happy New Year!

Superannuation rules in Australia have undergone some fairly dramatic changes as of the 1st July 2017. With that threshold date now behind us, let’s consider what this new world looks like.. Superannuation is simple Yes, it truly is. Super for most people will be the least difficult, most rewarding and less stressful area of their…
Share Market Crash? What should an investor do?
Looking for your planner?

Wondering where you planner is? We don’t blame you.. Looking for your Planner? The planners of Wealth & Security Planners and Streamline Financial Planning have been locked away in their bunker, updating systems and improving processes as we move to the Australian Financial Directions licence. Exciting changes are under way, and we’ve been getting the basics…