Tag Archive for listed investment companies

Managed funds, Listed Companies or ETF’s?


One of the debates raging in the post GFC financial world concerns the relative advantages and disadvantages of investment structures. For example, many people have decided that “managed funds” are expensive, opaque and have bad returns. At the same time, there has been a substantial lift in the funds being invested into “Listed Investment Companies…


How Do I Measure Risk?

What risks are you prepared to take

So, what risks ARE you prepared to take? Some people think it is fun to bungey-jump off a cliff or a bridge or a crane when they are travelling overseas, while others are not prepared to do this – whether it be from fear of heights, concern over the health effect on their eyes or…


The Gold price and investment markets


Gold, like diamonds, holds a fascination much greater than its simple financial value. It is malleable, resistant to tarnishing, highly conductive and a fantastic metal to work with (in a previous life i completed a jewellery making course and came to appreciate just how easy gold is as a medium). In some countries, the open…


Managed funds and Listed Investment Trusts


Financial planners can spend many hours agonising over exactly which investment is or is not suitable for an individual portfolio. Some clients want to participate in direct investment themselves and others want professional funds management to take care of the specific selection and administration work, leaving time for advisors to focus on the broader issues. However,…
