Tag Archive for Federal Budget

2016 Budget Superannuation

2016 Budget Superannuation is it fair image by Joshua Earle via Unsplash

Are the 2016 Budget Superannuation changes fair? Here’s Michael’s interpretation of some of the more contentious issues.“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” – John F Kennedy’s powerful call for Americans to put aside self-interest, and strive to build a better nation. This is…


Federal Budget Shenanigans

Federal Budget Shenanigans

Like a circus sideshow, the May budget has found its way back into our backyards. Yes folks, it’s time for more Federal Budget Shenanigans in Australia! As a financial planner, i find the announcements and discussion surrounding Federal Budgets highly amusing, as nearly every possible form of financial fudging is on display. Rather than discuss…


Is this really the biggest scam in the history of mankind?

biggest scam in mankinds history

“Scam” is an evoactive word. It conjures up images of this or that injustice, criminal or immoral act. Looking at scams can help us clarify the ethics of what is right and what is wrong, especially when we are talking about money. So here’s a look at a video that i was sent recently, in which the…


Governor Glenn Stevens provides some balance

House economics committee grills the RBA

Regular readers would be aware of my penchant for rubbishing the political (leaders?) folk who vie for our votes, and who decide on how legislation and laws that govern our lives are drafted. It’s maybe a tad disrespectful of me, and more than a little unfair to those individuals who strive to do their best, and…


Another Budget, another yawn…

Another Australian Federal Budget, another yawn

The good news is that the budget is going into surplus. Small yay! for prudent financial management and responsible government. Big “what the?” for the usual smokes and mirrors that seem to appear any time a Treasurer releases a budget update. So far this morning, i’ve received many, many, many pages of insight, research, analysis…


Love this idea!!!!


Isn’t it great when someone actually gets around to doing something that you’ve been nagging friends and family about? You know, when Great Idea No 726 actually comes to life? Well, here is my example… The New York Times has being doing its patriotic duty, and following the trials and tribulations of US politicians trying…


Wine the big winner post 2011 Budget night


Yes, that’s right. You heard all about it here first. The good news of the day is the successful launch of Fosters’ wine business as a company of its own – Treasury Wine Estates. I for one, intend to celebrate that with a lovely glass of red at the earliest convenience. And while i’m at…


Mining taxes and straight-line projections

RBA Index of Commodity Prices

Much has been made over the last year on the relative merits of a “mining tax”, which has also been called a “super profits” tax. Very learned folk have invested a lot of time and energy into looking at Australia’s economy and trying to work out how to better spread around the benefits of the…


“Yes Minister” comes to Australia


Monday morning and we sit down to digest the raft of professionally prepared updates from various analysts who have spent the weekend poring over the Federal Government’s announcements on tax simplification. The documents released on the government website are beautifully written. Someone has clearly invested a lot of time and energy distilling some fairly difficult…


Yin and Yang and Federal Budgets


Sometimes it seems that the Federal Budget could be improved through a strong dose of Taoist thinking. Here is my logic… The budget is supposedly one of those things that involves balance. That is, Government receipts are balanced with Government expenditure. The Budget updates in May are a time where past income/expenses are published and proposed…
