Link Archives



Here’s a link to my latest Facebook post – today’s topic is the release of the latest Chart Pack from the Reserve Bank of Australia. It’s not as boring as it sounds – there’s a bucket of interesting information on the world of money surrounding you right now.

Want the big picture of the Australian economy right now – in pictures?The Reserve Bank of Australia has released the…

Posted by Michael's Musings on Tuesday, 6 August 2019
A link to my Facebook post on some key trends in the Australian economy.

Even if you don’t usually like financial detail, there’s bound to be something of interest for you somewhere in this update. After all, it’s Australia’s economy in pictures – and you are part of that economy. It impacts you, and to a lesser extent, you impact it – every day!

Enjoy your day, and your reading!

I’ve included a photo of some boys celebrating the release of the RBA Chart Pack. Look how happy they are. It’s fun stuff.

[ Photo brilliantly taken by Robert Collins on Unsplash ]



A quiet look at retirement and choices for retirement income – from my Facebook page.

Posted by Michael's Musings on Wednesday, 28 March 2018




Savings are the start of every geat investment plan. Here’s a New York Times page with a very simple “slider” calculator that helps to work out how much your savings could grow to. It’s based on putting aside a percentage of your income – you enter the rate of return and the number of years to invest.

The power of compound interest is vividly demonstrated. i like the emphasis on savings, as so much of mainstream media focus is on investment – which can’t happen without savings.

i’d be interested in your feedback…


