Tag Archive for shares

Australian Sharemarket Long Term Views

Long term investing involves the old trees and the forest idea

Investors and their financial planners have now endured over 5 years of turmoil since the onset of the Global Financial Crisis. The extended nature of this slump in markets of all types has sapped the energy, patience and temper of everyone connected to the world of money. As i have a number of times before,…


Should you buy now?

To buy or not to buy- that is the question for investors!

Is the market ‘high’ or is it ‘low’? Is it ‘time to re-enter the market’ or should you be buying cans of baked beans, a shovel and a gun? This site sticks with the Great Disclaimer – nothing here can be considered personal advice, so the title is more correctly referred to as a ‘rhetorical…


Buy and hold – or be more active?

How will you harvest what is available?

There has been a great deal of attention directed over the last couple of years towards a strategy known as “buy/write”. This post will look at how such a strategy has worked, and how the current market impacts such a process. The reason for this post is the strong market focus by advertisers and promoters…


Sharemarket Update


Here is a 6 minute update on where the Australian sharemarket currently stands, including a brief discussion of the major issues currently impacting on share prices. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HJ8ZKfQp48 Australia’s sharemarket is scaring people There is a lot of fear and misinformation out in the marketplace at the moment. A good deal of it appears to me…


A quick sharemarket update

Speculating in "trends" is no different to gambling

A quick look at the Australian sharemarket reveals a few interesting trends of late. Here is my take on some of the ‘flavour of the month’ trends. Remember the Great Disclaimer – Nothing in this post or on this site is to be considered personal advice. It is information and observations of a general nature…


Trading Update Monday 31st January 2011


Here is our first Traders’ Update for 2011. As has been the case since the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, the world of investment is dominated by activities of speculators and traders. That is, investors and institutions looking to buy and sell a range of securities over the short term to speculate on price movements rather than…


The Gold price and investment markets


Gold, like diamonds, holds a fascination much greater than its simple financial value. It is malleable, resistant to tarnishing, highly conductive and a fantastic metal to work with (in a previous life i completed a jewellery making course and came to appreciate just how easy gold is as a medium). In some countries, the open…


Long Term Investment and Averaging


Financial planners are fond of using the phrase “long term” when talking about investing. It is a concept based upon an awful lot of research and analysis of markets, investor behaviour and trends. However, the phrase quite rightly gets questioned every time there is a significant fall in markets. A lot of people worry about…
