Tag Archive for Pidgin Economics

RBA drops interest rates – why?

Financial planning perth which way to go

The Reserve Bank of Australia today announced that it has dropped interest rates yet again. Borrowers on variable rates linked to the RBA cash rate will rejoice when their particular financial institution eventually agrees to pass on the interest rate cut. Pensioners and people living off interest income will find their next interest payment is…


Is this really the biggest scam in the history of mankind?

biggest scam in mankinds history

“Scam” is an evoactive word. It conjures up images of this or that injustice, criminal or immoral act. Looking at scams can help us clarify the ethics of what is right and what is wrong, especially when we are talking about money. So here’s a look at a video that i was sent recently, in which the…


Michael Musing on risk

personal risk - photo source deshow.net

Your risk profile is your personal assessment of the areas in which you have leeway, and the areas in which you do not, in your attempt to achieve a result as close as possible to that unachievable perfect outcome.


Another Budget, another yawn…

Another Australian Federal Budget, another yawn

The good news is that the budget is going into surplus. Small yay! for prudent financial management and responsible government. Big “what the?” for the usual smokes and mirrors that seem to appear any time a Treasurer releases a budget update. So far this morning, i’ve received many, many, many pages of insight, research, analysis…


A little bit of perspective on money

Sometimes you'd just rather be somewhere else

There is a pointy-end of physics that studies the impact observations have on processes. One version is encompassed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. It is my thought that this principle should be applied to the world of money, as much as it is applied to quantum physics. Here’s why… It implies that it is impossible to simultaneously measure…


2012 – At the crossroads

Hercules at the Crossroads by Carracci

    2012 is definitely lining up to be a watershed year, in which some of the global monetary tensions built up over the past 4 years finally work themselves out. The big question, of course, is exactly how these monetary pressures will resolve. Panic Buy or Panic Sell? In my role as a financial…


Economic World Title Fight for the minds of government

Two competing schools of economic thought

Like it or hate it, our little blue planet spinning in space is currently focussed on money. Sport, gardening and cooking shows may interrupt for a while but all across the globe the big competition is money. Economic World Title Fight It is not really a stretch to say that looking at the way countries and…


Why is the global economy so messed up?

Why is the global financial outlook so clouded?

  It has been an eventful couple of weeks. Time is short at the moment, so todays’ post will make comments without directing you to a lot of the underlying data. In other words, we are going to mainly consider my thoughts and judgements  as opposed to facts and analysis. There is an enormous level…


Love this idea!!!!


Isn’t it great when someone actually gets around to doing something that you’ve been nagging friends and family about? You know, when Great Idea No 726 actually comes to life? Well, here is my example… The New York Times has being doing its patriotic duty, and following the trials and tribulations of US politicians trying…


Greece and this debt issue


Sometimes it seems like the whole world is holding its breath. That is about where we are at right now in financial circles. The major currency and debt markets are hushed in tension as they await the outcome of the standoff between the IMF, ECU Central Bank, Germany, the Greek government and the population of…
