Tag Archive for international finance

RBA drops interest rates – why?

Financial planning perth which way to go

The Reserve Bank of Australia today announced that it has dropped interest rates yet again. Borrowers on variable rates linked to the RBA cash rate will rejoice when their particular financial institution eventually agrees to pass on the interest rate cut. Pensioners and people living off interest income will find their next interest payment is…


Interest rate jitters

losing sleep over interest rate jitters

What keeps this financial planner awake at night? Currently, it’s thoughts about “the anchoring fallacy” and the impact it can have on money and plans for the future.


Is this really the biggest scam in the history of mankind?

biggest scam in mankinds history

“Scam” is an evoactive word. It conjures up images of this or that injustice, criminal or immoral act. Looking at scams can help us clarify the ethics of what is right and what is wrong, especially when we are talking about money. So here’s a look at a video that i was sent recently, in which the…


Musing on interest rates and currency

will Australias currency fall when USA rates rise

Predicting interest rates is no different to any other form of financial market prediction – it’s only a guess and has a very high chance of being wrong. There are just so many inputs into the interest rate outcome. Some people may be asking themselves whether Australian interest rates will rise? Here are some very…


Musing on… Banking crisis outcomes

Who pays for a banking credit crisis?

Word from the street is that HSBC is “near $1.9 billion settlment over money laundering”. The US government is cracking down on money laundering generally, and HSBC is a high-profile target after some subsidiaries revealed less-than-appropriate dealings. Standard Chartered “agrees to settle Iran Money Transfer Claims” is the headline of a New York Times article that…


Risk on, Risk off but do you want to play the game?

risk on risk off it will lead to repetitive strain injuries if you let it

“Risk on, risk off” is a phrase used to denote the massive trading shifts taking place at institutional levels in the post-GFC (“global financial crisis”) world. The phrase encapsulates the skittish approach investors have taken to the day-to-day news and data feeds that are highlighted on the evening finance news segment. The question for us…


Michael Musing on risk

personal risk - photo source deshow.net

Your risk profile is your personal assessment of the areas in which you have leeway, and the areas in which you do not, in your attempt to achieve a result as close as possible to that unachievable perfect outcome.


The Libor scandal and investor confidence

Bank fraud erodes investor confidence at all levels, and levies a cost on everyone

What is the “Libor scandal” and what does it mean to you? The term “Libor” stands for “London Interbank Offered Rate” (no, it does not stand for Let’s Investigate Banksters’ Organised Rate-rigging…) and it is a benchmark commonly used to determine interest rates on business loans worldwide. The real impact on you and i, dear…


Brief thoughts on Europe


Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives in France and is going through passport control. “Nationality?” asks the immigration officer. “German” she replies. “Occupation?” “No. Just visiting.”   No really… is anyone else finding it hard to think of European political attempts to fix economic problems without resorting to chuckles?  Europe – lessons in moving at the pace…


Stupid is as stupid does

Stupid is as stupid does, my ma' always said.

IF you were a wealthy individual, worried about the economic environment that you were in, would you lend millions of dollars to your government at a nil interest rate? Well, it seems that many people in the world think that is a fantastic idea. The German government has pulled one of the best financial swifties…
