Tag Archive for inflation

RBA drops interest rates – why?

Financial planning perth which way to go

The Reserve Bank of Australia today announced that it has dropped interest rates yet again. Borrowers on variable rates linked to the RBA cash rate will rejoice when their particular financial institution eventually agrees to pass on the interest rate cut. Pensioners and people living off interest income will find their next interest payment is…


Interest rate jitters

losing sleep over interest rate jitters

What keeps this financial planner awake at night? Currently, it’s thoughts about “the anchoring fallacy” and the impact it can have on money and plans for the future.


Australian Sharemarket Long Term Views

Long term investing involves the old trees and the forest idea

Investors and their financial planners have now endured over 5 years of turmoil since the onset of the Global Financial Crisis. The extended nature of this slump in markets of all types has sapped the energy, patience and temper of everyone connected to the world of money. As i have a number of times before,…


Good news – Australia’s inflation is down! Or is it up?


Here’s a little thought… The RBA announces inflation outcomes. If quarterly inflation falls, and the annual rate falls, is inflation higher? As Simon in our office has today pointed out, it depends on who you read, and what they are trying to say. BBC News suggests inflation is easing, so i guess it’s lower. The…


Wine the big winner post 2011 Budget night


Yes, that’s right. You heard all about it here first. The good news of the day is the successful launch of Fosters’ wine business as a company of its own – Treasury Wine Estates. I for one, intend to celebrate that with a lovely glass of red at the earliest convenience. And while i’m at…


The Gold price and investment markets


Gold, like diamonds, holds a fascination much greater than its simple financial value. It is malleable, resistant to tarnishing, highly conductive and a fantastic metal to work with (in a previous life i completed a jewellery making course and came to appreciate just how easy gold is as a medium). In some countries, the open…


Understanding the risk return equation


Take a deep breath… we are about to enter the secret world of financial risk and return measurement… . How long is long term? How do you balance risk and return? These would be two of the shortest questions to ask yourself, yet they are also two of the hardest questions to answer. It does…
