Tag Archive for advice

Financial Planner education

financial planner education michaels musings image by Glen Noble from unsplash

Financial planner education standards have again made the news, so i thought i’d share a little insight into the world financial planners currently inhabit. Financial planner education is just one of many areas in which financial planning has evolved dramatically. Such improvements are not general knowledge in the broader community, so this post is really…


Retiring Age in Australia

Retiring age in Australia

In my role as a financial planner i am often asked questions about the retiring age in Australia. There is no simple answer – the age differs according to where your focus is – superannuation, tax or government age pension income support. Here’s a quick look at different versions of the retiring age in Australia.


Talking money in a new relationship

Money and relationships

“Darling, it’s time we talked about money…” In my financial planning experiences, talking about money early in a relationship is incredibly important. Even more important is making sure you talk about money honestly and openly. When a couple start working on a budget, one of the last areas usually tackled is their differing attitudes to…


Michael Musing on risk

personal risk - photo source deshow.net

Your risk profile is your personal assessment of the areas in which you have leeway, and the areas in which you do not, in your attempt to achieve a result as close as possible to that unachievable perfect outcome.


Financial Planning Bias

Do you know who is really driving the recommendations from your advisor? (image source unknown : possibly http://explow.com/shhh)

Who is behind the name that is behind the advisor that gives you advice? Financial Planning Bias – All is not as it seems We have covered the bias that is inherent in the Australian financial industry a few times now. The key reason for this bias is the government regulatory requirement that all Financial…


Financial advisors are cheating you

financial planner bias. it's true, financial planners eat money for breakfast

At least, that is the impression you can get when tuning in to some sections of the media. As covered in previous posts, the post-GFC world is a tumultuous one, with many long cherished “laws” of investment being turned on their head, and many investors feeling helpless in the face of small, zero or negative…


How Do I Measure Risk?

What risks are you prepared to take

So, what risks ARE you prepared to take? Some people think it is fun to bungey-jump off a cliff or a bridge or a crane when they are travelling overseas, while others are not prepared to do this – whether it be from fear of heights, concern over the health effect on their eyes or…


The Global Financial Crisis Exposed


Money, power, bias – and truth. The Global Financial Crisis (now simply designated ‘the GFC’) brought all of these priorities, and the conflicts they cause, into stark view. A new movie “The Inside Job” successfully highlights the interplay of vested interests, hidden compensation and regulatory policy stupidity that suggests not only that the eventual crisis…


Personal Financial Advice and “Infobesity”


Just what constitutes “personal financial advice”? We here in Wealth & Security Planners have noticed a marked increase in the number of people who are looking at various forms of money market news as “advice”. It is a development that has both good and bad aspects to it. This post is a quick look at…
