Investor Corner

Notes and discussion on all issues facing those seeking to earn a return by investing their money

Long term super returns to explode higher!*


Long term super fund returns are about to explode higher!* Yes folks, we are about to enter a period where the longer term super fund returns will look very good indeed. At least – significantly better than they were in fund reports of just two years ago. Here’s the secret that will make long term…




Thoughts on money, retirement, wealth, happiness and financial planning. Here’s a link to my latest Facebook post. Comments and thoughts always welcome!

Posted by Michael's Musings on Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Underemployment – is it the future?

Underemployment Michaels Musings Photo by Crown Agency on Unsplash

Underemployment is a big feature of the current global employment picture. Although more people are finding work, it would appear that a lot have given up any chance of finding work. So I thought it would be a good idea to tackle some of the issues that are raised by having a large slice of…


Investors are confused by strange markets

investors michaels musings USA 10 year bond market yield 12 months

Investors in today’s markets are confronted with a barrage of information, opinions, statistics as well as claims from marketing and promotions that can make it very difficult to decide just what to do, and when. This post isn’t going to make your decisions any easier, I’m afraid – but it may just help you to…


Superannuation – Happy New Year!

Superannuation is easy Michaels Musings Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Superannuation rules in Australia have undergone some fairly dramatic changes as of the 1st July 2017. With that threshold date now behind us, let’s consider what this new world looks like.. Superannuation is simple Yes, it truly is. Super for most people will be the least difficult, most rewarding and less stressful area of their…


Interest Rates can be tricky

michaelsmusings some people don't want to look at their super

Interest rates and monetary decision making processes are complex things. Sometimes you’ve just got to close your eyes and hope it all pans out the way you want it to…


2016 Budget Superannuation

2016 Budget Superannuation is it fair image by Joshua Earle via Unsplash

Are the 2016 Budget Superannuation changes fair? Here’s Michael’s interpretation of some of the more contentious issues.“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country” – John F Kennedy’s powerful call for Americans to put aside self-interest, and strive to build a better nation. This is…


Australia – austerity or growth?

financial planning perth growth or austerity

How do we tackle economic problems and foster economic growth? Australia – austerity or growth? It’s a global question! There are usually a range of options to tackle any economic problem or condition, ranging from increasing government spending to reducing taxes to printing money or even starting a war to divert the attention of a…
