How do you measure risk?

Share Market Crash? What should an investor do?

Share Market Crash should you worry image by blair-fraser-15137 of unsplash

Share market crash? How to successfully predict 11 of the last 2 major sharemarket crashes. This musings will look at predictions for a share market crash. Are they realistic? How do we know a market is going to crash? If 10 people tell you to sell and 10 people tell you to buy – which are…


Interest rate jitters

losing sleep over interest rate jitters

What keeps this financial planner awake at night? Currently, it’s thoughts about “the anchoring fallacy” and the impact it can have on money and plans for the future.


Musing on the price of guaranteed returns


What is the price of obtaining a guaranteed return? More correctly, what will it cost you to buy a guaranteed return? We all want a great tax-free return with no risk but the reality is that every investment involves some element of risk and tax – well, we all know the old saw about death…


A word of caution on cash rates

cash term rates from financial banks - are they a good thing?

When everyone is crowding around the feeding trough, it can be hard to see who is providing the food. So it is with cash rates right now, at least in my eyes. i think it is time to air a word of caution on interest rates for cash. Not necessarily the usual worry of losing…


Beware Fixed Income

what is the value of a dollar of income?

While not usually given to hype-driven headlines and catchy bylines, it seems to me that investors are currently being led by some errant media ramping of fixed income products – which is wrapped up in the guise of genuine commentary, research and financial opportunity. This is not a gloom and doom post, and not a…


How Do I Measure Risk?

What risks are you prepared to take

So, what risks ARE you prepared to take? Some people think it is fun to bungey-jump off a cliff or a bridge or a crane when they are travelling overseas, while others are not prepared to do this – whether it be from fear of heights, concern over the health effect on their eyes or…
